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System Features

¢ñ. The use of optimization techniques of combination of gradient - genetic algorithm can accurately obtain a near-surface model of travel time and equivalent. The gradient method improves the convergence rate of model obtaining and genetic algorithms ensure the global convergence;
¢ò. The use of first arrival detection technology of wavelets singular value method to automatically pick up the first arrival time has good anti-interference ability. It increases the efficiency and accuracy for first arrival pick, meanwhile, it presents easy-to-use interactive software;
¢ó. This method only uses less first arrival information, so it can decrease a significant pick workload of processing staffs and improve the efficiency of 10-20 times;
¢ô. A comprehensive quality controlling tool can take a real time steering of parameters and ensure the effect.


System Components

1. Geometry base definition¡¢input & output£»
2. Automatic first pick and mutually artificial pick£»
3. Near surface model calculation£»
4. Statics calculation£»
5. Figure quality control £¨first pick¡¢ surface model ¡¢shot static amount¡¢geophone static amount, etc. £©. The humanity interface design makes the user test convenient, easy to learn. The system is steady and perfect¡£

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RLES-Model Statics
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